MiniMax presents Video-01: An AI video generator that challenges OpenAI’s Sora

MiniMax, an up-and-coming Chinese AI startup, has redefined the boundaries of AI video generation with its latest product, Video-01. This impressive video generator promises not only high-quality but also fascinating content, putting it in direct competition with OpenAI’s Sora.

Competition stimulates business: With the release of Video-01, MiniMax is making a clear statement in the field of AI-supported video technology. The tool generates videos in a native resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels at 25 frames per second and can produce creative videos from text specifications. At the moment, the videos are limited to six seconds, but an extension to ten seconds is already being planned. With the ability to use both text and image-based inputs, it offers a versatile platform for creative minds and developers.


Access and ethical responsibility: Video-01 is available for free on the MiniMax website and also provides an API, making it easy to integrate into existing systems. Special mention should be made of the integrated content moderation, which blocks explicit content and ensures watermark protection. These features demonstrate MiniMax’s commitment to ethical standards in AI development.

Economic and strategic impact: The significant investment of 600 million dollars, led by Alibaba, highlights MiniMax’s market potential and strategic importance. The company is currently valued at over 2.5 billion dollars, underlining its position as a serious competitor in the AI industry. This development could also have an impact on the Western market in the long term, as MiniMax is setting new standards with its innovative solutions.


  • MiniMax has launched Video-01, a powerful AI video generator that is in direct competition with OpenAI’s Sora.
  • Video-01 supports a native resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels at 25 frames per second and can create videos from text specifications.
  • Currently limited to six seconds, the video length will soon be extended to ten seconds.
  • Can be used free of charge on the MiniMax website with an available API connection.
  • Blocks explicit content and adds a watermark to the videos.
  • Alibaba led an investment of 600 million dollars, which means that MiniMax now has a market value of over 2.5 billion dollars.

These developments invite experts and specialists to take a closer look at the long-term impact and potential of this technology. The discourse around innovation and ethical responsibility in AI development is only further fueled by such advances.

Sources: MiniMax & Hailuoai videos