AI masters: OpenAI “Strawberry” model, Apple Siri redesign and Larry Ellisons data center expansion

The technology industry is currently undergoing significant changes – OpenAI is planning to launch its new model “Strawberry,” Apple is working on a major redesign of Siri, and Larry Ellison is increasing Oracle’s involvement in the data center industry.


OpenAI’s “Strawberry” model promises groundbreaking advances in solving complex mathematical problems and programming tasks. Unlike current models, Strawberry takes between 10 and 20 seconds per response, allowing for deeper analysis. Its integration into ChatGPT could significantly change the market for AI-driven education and work tools. While the normal ChatGPT models respond instantly, Strawberry tries to prioritize accuracy and quality, which is especially useful for challenging tasks.

Another highlight is the customizable payment mode. Users can choose between a free version and a subscription version with faster response times. For companies, this offers the opportunity to access specialized services, which could be particularly beneficial when creating detailed marketing plans or other business-related processes. However, there are still limitations, such as the exclusive text processing compared to the image analysis of the GPT-4. Temporarily inaccurate recall of past conversations could also be a point of criticism. Nevertheless, the introduction of Strawberry is seen as a significant step in the further development of powerful AI models.

new Apple Siri UI
new Apple Siri UI prompted by AI Rockstars / MidJourney

Apple is also planning a fundamental overhaul of its virtual assistant Siri. Although details are not yet known, this suggests significant improvements in terms of functionality and user experience. At a time when voice control is becoming increasingly important, an upgrade to Siri could be crucial to keep pace with competitors such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

Finally, Larry Ellison is increasingly focusing on the expansion of Oracle’s data center infrastructure. With the ever-increasing demand for data processing and storage capacity, this should strengthen Oracle’s position in the market and enable it to meet the requirements of big data applications. This is a strategic decision that will ensure Oracle’s competitiveness and support the efficiency and reach of future AI solutions.


  • OpenAI “Strawberry” model: focus on complex math and programming tasks, customizable payment model.
  • Apple Siri Makeover: Likely significant improvements in functionality and user experience.
  • Larry Ellison and Oracle: Expansion of the data center infrastructure to cope with increasing data requirements.

Sources: The Information